Chin and Lip Implants

Dr. Scott Sattler is an experienced Seattle area plastic surgeon specializing in facial cosmetic surgery. Chin, cheek and lip implants are an effective way to enhance a facial profile by improving the overall proportion and balance of the face. 

What types of facial implants are available ?

  • Chin implants improve the symmetry of the jaw and neckline with the rest of the face and nose
  • Cheek implants can add fullness and definition to the face. 
  • Lip implants made of silicone can provide permanent volume and shape to the lips

Utilizing permanent chin, cheek or lip implants can provide a rejuvenated, youthful facial appearance. Facial implants can be combined with rhinoplasty, face and neck lift surgery and other cosmetic procedures to maximize cosmetic enhancement.


Before and After Sientra silicone chin implant, placed under local anesthesia, by Dr. Scott Sattler

Reasons for Considering a Chin and/or Cheek Implant:

  • Extend or enlarge the chin if the chin is recessed or small.
  • Create a more defined facial profile if the jaw, chin, or cheeks lack distinction.
  • Bring the various aspects of the face into proportion.
  • Round out the cheeks if they are hollow due to heredity or aging.
  • Accent the upper cheeks making them appear higher and fuller.
  • Create upper and lower lip volume without the use of injections

Facial Implant Surgery by Dr. Scott Sattler

Dr. Sattler does all cosmetic facial surgery in the on-site, accredited operating room attached to our Seattle area clinic. With chin surgery, an implant is inserted in front of the jawbone in order to augment the chin or jaw.  A small incision is made inside the mouth to allow the implant to be positioned in a pocket just under the skin.  An alternate location for this incision is below the chin. Chin surgery is can be performed during rhinoplasty (nose surgery).  With cheek augmentation, incisions are made either inside the mouth, through the lower cheek, or directly below the bottom eyelid on the high cheek.  Cheek surgery can be performed during a facelift procedure.  Lip implants can be placed under local anesthesia in our clinic. Most facial implant procedures can be completed by Dr. Scott Sattler in 30 minutes to one hour.

Recovery Process after Lip and Cheek Implant Surgery

Small sutures will be removed 5 days after facial implant surgery in our clinic. The small cheek, lip or chin incisions heal quickly and are generally inconspicuous within two weeks after surgery. Most patients return to daily activities within a day or two after surgery.

Take The Next Step With Chin and Lip Implants

Call us today at 206.729.2248 or contact us online to schedule a FREE consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sattler.

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Scott Sattler, MD FACS

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