Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck Photo Gallery, by Sattler Plastic Surgery
Improves the contour of the abdomen, hips and waist area.
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This 59 year old woman disliked the loose and fatty appearance of her abdomen and flanks. She was treated by Dr. Scott Sattler, a plastic surgeon in Seattle WA, with a tummy tuck(abdominoplasty) and liposuciton of the flank and hip regions. This substantially improved the contour of her abdomen and flanks. The tummy tuck scar is low on the pelvis and can be concealed with clothing. The belly button has been transformed into a more youthful shape. A tummy tuck addresses laxity of the abdominal muscles, loose skin, belly button shape and excess fat. Post op tummy tuck photos taken three months after cosmetic surgery.
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Contact Sattler Plastic Surgery for more information about Abdominoplasty in the Seattle Area.
Call us today at 206-729-2248 or contact us online to schedule a FREE consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sattler.