Seattle Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Procedures

Dr. Scott Sattler is an experienced plastic surgeon who is board-certified and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. All of his surgical training and practice experience has been right here in the Seattle area.

Cosmetic Consultations with Dr. Sattler are always free of charge. Dr. Sattler's goal is the become the premiere center for facial plastic surgery, cosmetic breast and body surgery, and cosmetic facial injections in the Pacific Northwest.

Surgical Procedures

Dr. Scott Sattler offers excellence in cosmetic surgery and facial cosmetic injections to Seattle area patients. He is a board certified plastic surgeon with years of experience in cosmetic surgical...  

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Neograft Hair Transplantation

Scott Sattler MD offers Neograft hair transplantation surgery in Seattle WA  

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Cosmetic Facial Injections

Dr. Sattler has substantial experience injecting Botox and facial fillers of all types in his Seattle clinic.  

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I did the right thing by seeing Dr Sattler
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