Breast Implant Surgery
Breast Implant Photo Gallery, by Sattler Plastic Surgery
Create your ideal breast shape using silicone breast implants.
Breast Augmentation 40
This 26 year old Asian female was treated with a 375 cc moderate profile smooth round silicone implant in the dual-plane position via an infra-mammary incision. The surgical scar is well concealed within her infra-mammary fold and cannot be seen from any angle.
Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation 1

Breast Augmentation 2

Breast Augmentation 3

Breast Augmentation 4

Contact Sattler Plastic Surgery for more information about Breast Augmentation in the Seattle Area.
Call us today at 206-729-2248 or contact us online to schedule a FREE consultation with board certified breast plastic surgeon Dr. Sattler.