Facelift Photo Gallery, by Sattler Plastic Surgery
Restores a youthful facial shape, improved facial volume and correction of neck skin laxity.
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This 64-year old female disliked her loose neck contour, jowls and sagging cheeks. She was treated with a face lift, neck lift, upper blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) and fat grafting to the mid face by Dr. Scott Sattler of Seattle, WA. The cosmetic result is a more youthful neck contour, improvement in cheek volume and restoration of eyelid contour. The patient's facelift scars are well concealed within her ear.
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Contact Sattler Plastic Surgery for more information about Facelift procedures in the Seattle Area.
Call us today at 206-729-2248 or contact us online to schedule a FREE consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sattler.