Breast Implant Revision
Breast Implant Revision Photo Gallery, by Sattler Plastic Surgery
Replaces exisiting breast implants, removes scar tissue and improves shape and tactile qualities.
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This young woman had bilateral subglandular silicone implants with capsular contracture on both sides. This capsular contracture created a very round and narrow appearance to her breast shape. She was treated with bilateral implant removal, capsulectomy and implant replacement beneath the pectoralis muscle. Her post operative result is softer and more natural appearing. This revisionary breast surgery was done by Seattle plastic surgeon Dr. Scott Sattler
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Contact Sattler Plastic Surgery for more information about Breast Implant Replacements in the Seattle Area.
Call us today at 206-729-2248 or contact us online to schedule a FREE consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sattler.