After pregnancy or weight-loss, the abdominal tissues change in three significant ways.

  • Loss of skin elasticity, resulting in stretch marks (straie) and loose skin folds
  • Muscle laxity resulting in a rounded abdominal wall shape
  • 'Love handles' and fat deposits along the abdomen, hips and flanks.

The tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure is designed to address all three issues.

Dr. Sattler will individualize your tummy tuck procedure to restore a more youthful, sexy and attractive body shape. 


Before and After Tummy tuck (and breast lift) performed by Dr. Scott Sattler - note the improvement of skin laxity, belly button shaping and diminished fattiness along the waist and mons area.

Video discussion of Tummy Tuck surgery with Sound Plastic Surgery

Who is a good candidate for tummy tuck surgery ?

A tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the contour of the abdomen, hips and waist areas. Results are best in women that are relatively close to their 'ideal' body weight. Very good surgical results can be obtained in patients that are able to maintain a stable body weight for several months prior to the procedure. Women that plan to become pregnant in the future should hold off on this procedure until completing child bearing.

What is unique about the tummy tuck procedure performed by Dr. Sattler ?

Dr. Sattler uses several specialized techniques to improve the position of this tummy tuck scars. Tummy tuck scars are typically kept very low on the pelvis, and can easily be concealed under a swimsuit. The pelvic scar is kept low in order to prevent it from migrating up and becoming visible.  This low scar position has the added benefit of creating a lifting effect for the front and sides of the thigh. The belly button is reconstructed with a 'hood' along the upper portion and a 'washout' region in the lower portion of its new shape. The belly button scar is internalized inside the belly button to maximize the cosmetic result. The new belly button shape is attractive and youthful. 


                           Before                                                      After


Tummy tuck surgery is an outpatient procedure usually done under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia in a certified ambulatory surgery center. The operation takes about three hours to complete. Dr. Sattler frequently performs liposuction of the hips and flank area during a tummy tuck procedure to enhance the final cosmetic result. Surgical drains are used in most tummy tuck patients. These drains are removed a few days after surgery. Patients wear a Spandex-like compression garment post operatively for about four weeks after the procedure. Patients use of Lovenox for a few days to minmize the risk of venous thromboembolic events. Patients resume a light non-weght bearing activity schedule (walking) the day after surgery. Most tummy tuck patients take at least two weeks off from work to fully recover from the procedure.

Here is the tummy tuck procedure described in its component steps:


An incision is made along the lower abdominal wall. Dr. Sattler places his incision as low as possible, which allows the scar to be concealed beneath clothing and swim wear. An incision is also made within the belly button.


The excess skin and fat is lifted from the abdominal wall muscles and connective tissue (fascia)


This procedure is continues all the way up to the rib cage to completely reveal any laxity along the abdominal wall muscles


The abdominal wall muscles and then sutured together to repair any rectus diastasis and flatten the abdominal wall from top to bottom


The excess skin is redraped, marked and removed. A new 'hole' is created for the belly button. This is an important step in which Dr. Sattler creates a vertically oriented belly button with an internalized scar.


The incisions are closed with absorbable sutures (which do not have to be removed later) and two surgical drians are typically placed. The drains are removed at the first post operative visit in Dr. Sattler's clinic.

The result of tummy tuck surgery by Dr. Sattler is a more youthful, fit and sexy abdomen. Patients tend to look years younger after tummy tuck surgery by Dr. Sattler.




The cost for tummy tuck surgery with Dr. Sattler in our Seattle clinic and operating room facility is based on several factors unique to each patient. An in-person consultation with Dr. Sattler is essential to get an accurate diagnosis and discuss the sequence of surgical options.  Tummy Tuck financing is available through PatientFi. The cost for body contouring surgery is all inclusive and includes the following.

  • Surgeon's Fee
  • Facility Fee
  • Anesthesia Fee
  • Surgical Garment Fee
  • All post op care with Dr. Sattler

Click to apply for a PatientFi full procedure loan or call the office 206-729-2248 for more information.

Click here to view Dr. Sattler's tummy tuck body contouring gallery

Click here for hundreds of body contouring before and after photos from Sound Plastic Surgery

Take The Next Step With Tummy Tuck

Call us today at 206.729.2248 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Scott Sattler.

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