Tuberous Breast Cosmetic Surgery in Seattle

As a Seattle area cosmetic breast surgery expert, Dr. Sattler has developed a reliable cosmetic surgical technique to dramatically improve the appearance of the tuberous, tubular and constricted breast for his Seattle area patients.

What is a Tuberous or Constricted Breast ?

The constricted breast is characterized by both a small breast volume and a drooping appearance. In severe cases, this breast shape is referred to as a tuberous breast, or a tubular breast deformity. The constricted breast has a fold beneath the breast (the infra-mammary fold) that appears to be too high. The presence of a high infra-mammary fold constricts the lower portion of the breast. The upper portion of the breast sags over the lower portion of the breast. The base of the constricted breast is narrow. Often, the breast is so constricted that the tissues behind the areola will bulge and make the areola very large.

How are Tuberous and Constricted Breasts improved surgically ?

Dr. Sattler has substantial experience treating Seattle area patients with tuberous, tubular and constricted breasts. A constricted breast is treated with a submuscular breast implant and lowering of the elevated infra-mammary fold. The inferior border of the pectoralis muscle is released to allow the implant to occupy more space in the inferior pole of the breast. In severe cases of tubular breast deformity, the constricted base of the breast is released.

Further enhancement of the tuberous or constricted breast can be achieved using Dr. Sattler's peri-areolar or donut mastopexy technique. With tuberous breast deformity there is often a large areolar size and differences in nipple position. These problems can be corrected at the time of breast augmentation surgery using a breast lift (mastopexy) technique that places a scar around the areola. This is a called a 'donut mastopexy' and will move the nipple and reduce the size of the areola to match the opposite side.

What is the result of tuberous and constricted cosmetic breast surgery ?

The final cosmetic result is a breast with a wider foot print, reduced and lifted areolar and nipple position with enhanced breast volume. Dr. Sattler is an experienced breast cosmetic surgeon that has been treating Seattle area tuberous breast patients for years with excellent results.


A silicone breast implant in the 'dual-plane' position allows expansion of the lower pole of the breast and also depresses the position of the infra-mammary fold. Based on our experience with tuberous breast reconstruction, we have found the use of a breast implant to be an important component of tuberous breast correction. 


Before and After tuberous breast correction using a round silicone implant and peri-areolar mastoexy

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Take The Next Step With Tuberous and Constricted Breast Surgery

Call us today at 206.729.2248 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Scott Sattler.

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